How does nature affect a child’s development? The benefits of playing and learning in a natural environment

It is at times such as these when we perhaps appreciate outdoor spaces more than ever. They are often something that we take for granted and don’t consider until some of the places we enjoy visiting are closed. The last 12 months are certainly seen our lives change dramatically, and occasionally we may forget how important it is for a child’s development to spend time outdoors. Usually, this is in the form of play, but it can cover a wide variety of aspects of everyday life. As a British international kindergarten in Bangkok, we have always acknowledged the importance of learning in a natural, outdoor environment. During our “normal” school day, outdoor play and activities are included as part of the daily routine with a balance of time spent learning inside and outside. The benefits of spending time playing and learning outdoors are well documented and proven to be beneficial for physical, emotional, social and intellectual development. Physical Development Benefits The physical development benefits of learning and playing outdoors are perhaps the most obvious and extensive of all the benefits, and this applies to children of all ages. It will impact a child’s weight, strength and coordination, and help improve the body’s immune system – something which is vital when it comes to fighting illnesses. Research has also shown that children who spend more time playing outdoors tend to be more physically active in adulthood, which has several health benefits. Some of the other physical benefits include: 1. Motor Skills Outdoor play and learning develop enhanced motor skills, including balance and coordination. By giving children the freedom to run around, climb and burn off excess energy, they will naturally become more confident and, as such, be willing to put their physical abilities to the test. In turn, this will further enhance their agility and strength, which, of course, has significant health benefits for them both now and in the future. 2. Lower Body Weight and BMI In western countries, around a third of all children are now considered obese, a frightening statistic we are sure you would agree, especially when in 1980, the figure was approximately 7%. The main reason for this is because children spend an increased amount of time indoors doing more sedentary activities such as playing video games or watching TV. Not surprisingly, a study revealed a direct correlation between BMI and the amount of physical activity which a child takes part in.  Obesity in children can have numerous health implications and these bad habits tend to continue throughout the child’s life leading to premature health issues. 3. Improved General Wellbeing As we have touched upon above, obesity increases the risk of serious health complications such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and sleep apnea – all potentially life-threatening conditions. In addition, humans require vitamin D, which is mainly derived from exposure to sunlight and is known to strengthen the immune system and improve moods. Besides these perhaps more obvious benefits, with an increasing number of children who have ADHD, play and learning outdoors help sufferers burn off excess energy which can build-up if the sufferer is pent up indoors. 4. Improved Muscles Strength and Balance  In a child’s formative years, it is vital that they start to build muscles and muscle balance. It is particularly relevant in younger children who can build necessary core strength from something as simple as sitting in a swing. Older children can also improve muscle strength by riding bikes and skateboarding. Not only does this build core strength, but it also enhances muscle balance as a variety of muscle groups will be used. In turn, this improves coordination and balance.   Emotional Development Benefits Children who play outdoors more frequently are thought to be stronger emotionally and have better cognitive skills than children who spend more time inside. These children tend to be more adaptable and independent, which will stand them in good stead in school and when they finally enter the workplace. There are a couple of main reasons for this: 1. They Use All Five Sense Children who spend most of their time playing video games or watching TV will focus primarily on just two sense, vision and hearing. Children who play outdoors will also experience these senses and have an increased awareness of smell, touch and, quite often, taste such as when they taste the rain on their tongue. Younger children who are exposed to more sensory experiences are generally better equipped to grow and develop emotionally.   2. Increases Self-Confidence  Self-confidence is something which we all need from being a child until we are elderly. Children who play outdoors will develop a greater sense of independence, and with it, they will be able to build their confidence by trying new things. Freedom to try something without feeling like their parents are watching their every move will encourage them to take risks, although it should be stressed that the risk-taking should be within reason. Children who are prepared to challenge themselves by climbing monkey bars or seeing how high they can jump are normally more confident, independent, and more emotionally balanced. Social Development Benefits Outdoor learning and play are believed to have a massive influence on the social development of a child due to their increased interactions with other people. Experts believe there are several key benefits, such as: 1. Increased Openness In confined areas such as in a classroom or inside the home, children often find that they need to compete with siblings and classmates for attention. It can lead to noise levels increasing which younger children, in particular, may find intimidating. As such, they may become more withdrawn and quiet, which can prevent them from opening up about their feelings to parents, teachers and other caregivers. Many children find an outdoor environment less overwhelming, making them more willing to discuss their feelings and thoughts with others around them. 2. Heightened Self-Awareness In has been noted that kids who spend more time outdoors are far more aware of their surroundings, enhancing their observation

Successfully managing school closures, online learning and maintaining the school routine in times of closure

School closures in Thailand and around the world have brought significant disruption to many families’ lives with every household member affected. The current situation is unprecedented and, in reality, this time 12 months ago, none of us had contemplated the impact it would have. Knowing where to begin with online learning and homeschooling is one challenge, but this also needs to be balanced with a “normal” school routine and regular family life. As the leading international kindergarten in Bangkok, we appreciate how difficult the current situation is and are always on hand to offer whatever support we can. We have put together this brief guide to help parents, pupils, nannies, and other household members to manage this period successfully. Of course, the advice will need to be adjusted to suit you and your family, but it should give you a starting pointing if you are currently struggling to see the wood for the trees. Time Management In the modern world, excellent time management is important for all, but it essential when everyone is required to take on new and additional roles. Effective time management will not only mean that everything that needs to get done does indeed get done, but it will also help everyone keep their sanity! Remember, no one can do everything, and a lot of the pressure you may be experiencing will be the pressure that you have put on yourself. Most of us feel that we don’t have enough time to do everything, so the best place to start is by writing down everything you think needs to be done. Now you will see a few things that aren’t essential and don’t need to be done right here, right now and can be removed from the list. Anything that is not essential should be removed from this list. From the remaining jobs and tasks on the list, you can now formulate some form of schedule. At this stage, the list should look something like homeschooling, family time, and your job. Specific tasks are not required at this stage. Once you have an overall plan, you can then start to develop a strategy about how you are going to achieve everything that needs to be done. It would help if you appreciated that effective time management is essential for maintaining everyone’s mental and physical wellbeing. Having a plan from the start that can always be tweaked is the only way to manage online learning and maintain a regular school routine effectively. Being Organised and Having a Routine Sticking to a routine is the best way humans operate, and although at times it may seem tedious and mundane, trust us, in the long run, it will mean that you have more time to enjoy the things you like doing. It should include waking up at around the same time, eating at regular times and finishing at around the same. This will help the body clock and add structure to your day. From the list you created earlier, you will know what jobs need to be done, so now is the time to start delegating tasks to others to ensure that everything is completed. Now, we move onto the school routine and how you plan your lessons. As much of the learning will be done online, you will probably need to be flexible and work the school and teachers on this. For instance, if they offer a Zoom class at 10am on Tuesday, this is something that you must put in your schedule. Attending this class is vital, not only from an educational point of view but also to ensure that they remain in contact with their peers and their teachers. Sometimes, the impact on a child’s mental health can be overlooked as we struggle to cope with the rigours of daily life. Without question, a lot of the learning will be done at times that suit you and will be available online 24/7. Therefore, you will have some flexibility and be able to structure your learning around everyone’s daily life to ensure that all needs are met. Regular everyday life must continue where possible and not get forgotten. Maintaining all of your routines is crucial to ensuring that everyone’s needs are met, and their physical and mental wellbeing is protected.    Access to Online Content Although it may seem like an obvious fact, ensuring that your child has access to all the online content they require for their schooling is vital. Of course, this will mean having access to a computer, smartphone or tablet with internet access, but it also includes being able to access specific content. Frequently used conferencing apps such as Google Classroom and Google Meets require users to log in for lessons, so you need to ensure that your child’s login is working. There are also other considerations, such as how easily your child can find additional content for lessons. It may be in the form of links supplied by the teacher or alternatively, finding answers using search engines such as Google. Most students are relatively computer savvy so won’t find this too tricky, but it is worth checking from time to time that they have everything that they require. Unfortunately, it the modern world, we would also suggest checking your child’s browsing history to ensure that they are not accessing inappropriate content or receiving unsolicited messages. Family Time As we mentioned previously, keeping a “normal” life, where possible, is vital in ensuring everyone’s health and welfare. When you are scheduling activities, you still leave enough time for the family to get together as usual. This may include eating together, sitting down and relaxing together, or visiting places such as the park. Although you will almost inevitably be spending more time in each other’s company than usual, you should make sure that you still have “quality time” together. Of course, parents will also want some time together alone, so if possible, you should ask family or friends to look after your child for a few hours. It will help